by Deborah Shelton Wood for the Behr Family, with notes from the late Dr. Arno Behr and Alfons D Szczepanski of Delmenhorst,
The maternal great grandmother of Dr. Arno Ernst Edward Behr was Johanna Elisabeth SZCZEPANSKI born 1745 in Didlacken, East
Prussia. She married Johann G DRESSLER-DREßLER of Ablenken, East Prussia on 30 May in 1765.
The two most common spelling of this name are Sczepanski and Szczepanski. The following is a register of these families.
For more information please visit the family tree
Family History of Arno Behr ©
BEHR Family History !
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1
1. Johanna Elisabeth SCZEPANSKI was born 1745 in Didlacken, East Prussia, and died 18 Dec 1830 in Willkischken. She was
buried in Laugszarken. She was the daughter of 2. Julius Carl SCZEPANSKI and 3. Maria Johanna MÜHLPFORTD. She married Johann
Gottlieb DRESSLER-DREßLER 30 May 1765 in Didlacken, Kreis Insterburg, East Prussia, son of Daniel DRESSLER-DREßLER and Helene
Dorothea KLEBER. He was born 1725 in Ablenken, East Prussia, and died 1805 in Ablenken, East Prussia.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2
2. Julius Carl SCZEPANSKI was born 5 Mar 1715 in Memel, and died 16 May 1797 in Didlacken, East Prussia. He was the son
of 4. Johann SCZEPANSKI and 5. Juliane MÜHLPFORDT.
3. Maria Johanna MÜHLPFORTD was born in East Prussia.
Children of Maria Johanna MÜHLPFORTD and Julius Carl SCZEPANSKI are:
1. i. Johanna Elisabeth SCZEPANSKI was born 1745 in Didlacken, East Prussia, and died 18 Dec 1830 in Willkischken. She
married Johann Gottlieb DRESSLER-DREßLER 30 May 1765 in Didlacken, Kreis Insterburg, East Prussia, son of Daniel DRESSLER-DREßLER
and Helene Dorothea KLEBER. He was born 1725 in Ablenken, East Prussia, and died 1805 in Ablenken, East Prussia.
ii. Ernst Wilhelm Carl SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1755 in East Prussia.
iii. Friedrich Julius SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1756 in East Prussia.
iv. Ludovicus Emanuel SCZEPANSKI was born 17 Jul 1757 in East Prussia.
v. Amalie Beate SCZEPANSKI was born Nov 1758 in East Prussia.
vi. Maria Friederike SCZEPANSKI was born 1760 in East Prussia.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3
4. Johann SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1670 in Lötzen, East Prussia, and died ABT 1717 in Königsberg, Prussia, Schloßkirche.
He was the son of 8. Casimir Dominicus SCZEPANSKI.
5. Juliane MÜHLPFORDT.
Child of Juliane MÜHLPFORDT and Johann SCZEPANSKI is:
2. i. Julius Carl SCZEPANSKI was born 5 Mar 1715 in Memel, and died 16 May 1797 in Didlacken, East Prussia. He married
Maria Johanna MÜHLPFORTD. She was born in East Prussia.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4
8. Casimir Dominicus SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1636 in Lötzen, East Prussia. He was the son of 16. Johann SCZEPANSKI and
17. Helena KERSTAN.
Child of Casimir Dominicus SCZEPANSKI is:
4. i. Johann SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1670 in Lötzen, East Prussia, and died ABT 1717 in Königsberg, Prussia, Schloßkirche.
He married Juliane MÜHLPFORDT Sep 1692 in Konigsberg, Prussia.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 5
16. Johann SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1612 in Lötzen, East Prussia. He was the son of 32. Ferdinand SCZEPANSKI and 33. Eva
17. Helena KERSTAN.
Child of Helena KERSTAN and Johann SCZEPANSKI is:
8. i. Casimir Dominicus SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1636 in Lötzen, East Prussia.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 6
32. Ferdinand SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1592 in Lötzen, East Prussia, and died ABT 1655 in Lötzen, East Prussia. He was
the son of 64. SCZEPANSKI.
33. Eva CALICZEWSKI was born ABT 1597 in Lötzen, East Prussia.
Children of Eva CALICZEWSKI and Ferdinand SCZEPANSKI are:
16. i. Johann SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1612 in Lötzen, East Prussia. He married Helena KERSTAN.
ii. Jakob SCZEPANSKI was born ABT 1630 in Lötzen, East Prussia.