The family name, Dressler, is also known as DREßLER, Droessler, Drösslerand other variations. Ottilie Dressler was born 1811
in Tilsit, East Prussia.
Ottilie Dressler and Eduard Behr married circa 1840 in Prussia. They were the parents of Dr Arno Behr, noted chemist 1846
Prussia~ 1921, Pasadena California, USA.
+ Helene Dorothea KLEBER
2 Gottlieb DRESSLER
+ Johanna Elizabeth SZEPANSZKI b: 1745 d: 1830
3 Johann Friedrich DRESSLER
4 Ottilie DRESSLER b: 1811
+ Eduard BEHR b: ABT 1813
5 Arno Ernst Eduard BEHR b: Aug 1846
+ Eva MORING b: Nov 1862
3 Johanne Beate DRESSLER
3 Ludwig Ferdinand DRESSLER
3 Maria Amalia DRESSLER
2 Catharina Elisabeth DRESSLER
2 Christoph DRESSLER
Dressler Tree
The Dressler family ancestry was made known to me by this source: "Ortsfamilienbuch Memelland Familienbericht"
Author: Ingo, Paul, and by the genealogy research of Dr. Arno Ernst Edward Behr as shared with me by his gg-daughter,
Kim Behr Howard.
Publication: Letzte Änderung: 10.09.2006
Immigrant Genealogical Society of Burbank, CA
California State Public Records.
U. S. Federal Census records.